I love food. I always have. Probably because I was born into a family of fabulous cooks – with very Italian grandparents, an aunt who recreates dishes found in a high-end restaurant for fun and of course a mother who cooked full meals seven days a week while growing up, I really had no choice – I was forced into this.
My qualifications are simple – ingredients must be fresh and I have to know exactly what I am eating (read – no “mystery meat”). I don’t like frozen meals.
Now, you would probably think I cook all the time – truth is I don’t. (But not without immense encouragement.) With a family of cooks (a sister who watches the
Food Network as some college students watched
MTV) there is plenty of action in the kitchen and we have all heard what they say about too many cooks…
It’s not that I don’t like to – just that I never
have to.
Pretty much, I just enjoy eating and trying new things. There are plenty of times I am at a restaurant and think, "This dish couldn’t be too hard to recreate," or have a dish at a friend’s place that I really enjoy and leave telling others about it, right down to the strawberry garnish!
So, with you I share my experiences in the world of food …after all, you just need to have good taste...